Meet Vehicle JT2AW16J8J0132796
Options - All factory options including leather, T-Bar and Premium stereo. Aftermarket - All 100% original. The only changes are new tires, muffler, battery and plugs. Previous History - Previous owner bought the car new. He drove it only on weekends. Took extremely good care of this car. You could not tell the car from new (exterior, interior, engine, wheels...) He wanted a convertible, so he traded for a 96 Miata. I bought the car from the dealer the next day. Any Damage - Misc Notes - This is my fourth MR2 1. 86 MR2 Red - fully optional N/A (sold after 106000 trouble free miles) 2. 91 MR2 Turbo - Midnight Blue (sold when my daughter was born) 3. 89 MR2 N/A (Bought because I missed driving my 91. After having 200 HP in the Turbo, 115 Hp were no longer adequate hence the 88 SC) I have spent a long time searching for a good 88 or 89 SC MR2. I have to say the SC MR2 is probably the most fun to drive. Besides, I am biased towards MKI body style.