Meet Vehicle JT2AW16J1J0135801
This car entered the Registry on 07/16/00 and the entry was last modified on 07/22/01. FACTORY INSTALLED OPTIONS:
Previous History - Major Service Work Performed - Not known before I owned it in 1997. I put a clutch in it in 1997 Aftermarket Performance Mods - None Aftermarket Audio Mods - None Problems - Excess clutch pedal play. I think it must be the yoke (?) that holds the release bearing, or the ball that this piece rotates on. Clutch hydraulics have all been replaced. Clutch and pressure plate and release bearing were all replaced in 1997. It is drivable but the clutch pedal must be very nearly to the floor to shift. Misc Notes - I have owned three Corvettes. None were like driving my MR2 Personal MR2 Web Site - None